Degrees & Certificates
Associate Degrees (2+ year degrees)
Bachelor's Degrees (4+ year degrees)
Skills Certificates (20+) (1+ semester credentials)
Career & Technical Programs (workforce-ready programs)
Workforce Development & Lifelong Learning
Academic & Career Advising
Get one-on-one help with academic advising, transferring to another college, setting up an internship, and finding a job or career.
- Academic, career, and transfer advising
- Advising events
- Get help planning ahead
- View local job and internship listings
- Job Placement Services
- Internships
Hinckley Library
Visit the library online to get access to:
- Search the Hinckley Library catalog
- Find journal articles
- Resources by listed by subject or type
- Library guides tools tools
- Library services
Tutoring Services
Free Tutoring is available for currently enrolled NWC students.
- Peer tutoring for courses in Business, History, Math, Science, and more
- Assistance navigating your online courses in Moodleâ„¢
- Presentation skills lab
- NetTutor
- Become a peer tutor
College Catalog
Visit the current college catalog to find:
- Program requirements
- Course descriptions
- Degree worksheets
- General Education requirements
- Graduation requirements
- College policies and procedures
- Learning outcomes