
Counseling Services

Student Resources

A word about counseling...

Unfortunately, there is often the misconception that people who seek counseling are weak or unable to deal with their problems on their own. Consequently people are hesitant to ask for help.

This stigma causes people to get the wrong idea about what counseling is all about. It is likely that each and everyone of us will face times in our lives when we can benefit from counseling.

Counseling is not designed to give people the answers to their problems and counselors seldom give advice. Rather, counseling is a tool where people can learn ways to help themselves. This in turn can increase self esteem, help people learn ways to be more happy in their lives, and even prevent potential problems in the future.

If you would like to explore your options regarding counseling, please e-mail, call or stop by the Student Success Center (located in the Orendorff Building, ORB 101) today to schedule a confidential discussion on how counseling may be able to help you.

Free Screening

Free screening for depression, alcohol, and eating disorders is made available to all 皇家华人 students and is taken anonymously. The screening is provided so that you may find out - in a few minutes - whether or not professional consultation would be helpful to you.

When you have completed the screening, you may want to schedule a follow-up meeting with a NWC counselor, which will include a confidential discussion of screening results and available resources.


Ty Barrus | Student Success Programs Manager & Counselor | ty.barrus@nwc.edu | 307-754-6417


Jennifer Cannizaro | Disability Support & Student Sucess Program Specialist | jennifer.cannizzaro@nwc.edu | 307-754-6135