
Financial Aid & Scholarships

Golden Age Tuition Waivers

The College offers tuition waivers to Park County residents 60 years of age or older for up to 6.0 credit hours per semester. Fees are not waived. NWC Golden Age Tuition Waiver recipients are billed applicable NWC tuition costs, then the waiver is applied to their student account balance.

There is no application required to receive a NWC Golden Age tuition waiver. Each semester, the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office reviews student enrollment data to identify and award eligible students accordingly.

Golden Age cards are available and admit holders to most college social, cultural, and athletic events without charge, and to the Johnson Fitness Center and selected events at reduced rates. To obtain a Golden Age card, contact Enrollment Services at registrar@nwc.edu.

Important: Participants must enroll in credit classes. Audited, noncredit, and workforce development classes do not qualify. There is no lifetime value limit on the amount of Golden Age Waivers a person can receive.


Financial Aid & Scholarships Office | Orendorff Building, ORB100 | FinancialAid@nwc.edu | 307-754-6158 | 307-754-6154 (Fax) | 307-754-6225 (TTY)