
Hinckley Library

Instructor's Reserves

Which reserve do I need?

How do I search reserves?

Instructor's reserves may be located by instructor's name, course ID number (i.e. HIST 1280), and course name (i.e. History of Wyoming). From the select the Course Reserves link. In the search box type in the instructor's name, course ID or course name.


If you are in the library and already know the reserve you need, just ask at the circulation counter and we will check the item out to you. You will need your library card to use the reserve item.

What are reserves?

Reserves are instructor-selected items specific for your course. Items may include the instructor's personal books, library material, lecture notes, journal articles, videos, etc. These items are "reserved," only available to students enrolled in a course instead of the general public

Where are reserves located & how long may I keep them?

Reserve items are housed behind the circulation counter. Please ask at the circulation counter to borrow them. Checkout periods for reserves are variable. Most reserves are checked out for two hours and must be used in the library. A few are allowed to leave the library overnight or over a weekend. You will need your library card to use the reserve item.